World Health Organisation Formulation

Touch-Free Dispenser

£45.00 Exc VAT

SKU: SKU11 Category:

Please note that this cost does not include shipping, please contact us for a competitive shipping quote.

This brings better hygiene to any environment and helps monitor the use by controlling the amount of sanitiser. No electrical fitting is required, as each dispenser is economically operated by C size batteries. It also features an auto-switch function between two battery compartments for longer running times. To ensure optimum cost savings, the device has a ‘sleep mode’ and a sensor that prevents accidental delivery.

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Further Information

This brings better hygiene to any environment and helps monitor the use by controlling the amount of sanitiser. No electrical fitting is required, as each dispenser is economically operated by C size batteries. It also features an auto-switch function between two battery compartments for longer running times. To ensure optimum cost savings, the device has a ‘sleep mode’ and a sensor that prevents accidental delivery.